This app can help you with Spelling Bee, a daily puzzle on the New York Times.

Having said that, this application is not, never was, and never will be, associated in any way whatsoever with the New York Times or any of its affiliates. I created the app for my personal use, then put it on the internet so I could access it from anywhere when I'm out of town and still have time for Spelling Bee.

You're welcome to use it, but just don't piss me off, e.g., by deliberately overloading the poor old laptop it's running on, trying to hack my web server, etc. Bad actors are kindly requested to shove off. Thanks.

Why did I create this?

Through years of playing Spelling Bee, especially when I made it to Genius level, I always wondered which words I missed along the way. I was also curious about how to use software to create puzzles like this. So I wrote this app for fun.

I usually try to get to GABM (what the cool kids call: Genius All By Myself), then use this app to check what words I didn't find. Used in that way, it's a good tool for learning new words and solving future puzzles.

Obviously, you could also use the app to kinda, sorta cheat and get to Queen Bee level every day. Go ahead. I won't judge.